Parish Groups

Day Time Organisation Venue  
Sunday 10am Sunday School and Crèche

Crèche is open to all babies and toddlers.  Sunday School is for children aged 3½ to 11.

St Cedma’s Church Term Time
Sunday 11.30am Noah’s Ark Sunday School

For Children aged 3½ to 11 years old.

St John’s Church, Glynn Term Time
Sunday 11.30am Gleno Sunday School

For Children aged 3½ to 11 years old.

St Columba’s Church, Gleno Term Time
Sunday 10am


& 7pm

St Cedma’s “Upstairs Choir”

For anyone who would like to sing at the morning service or the 7 pm evening service. All new singers welcome.

St Cedma’s Church All year.
Sunday 10am St Cedma’s “Music Group”

For singers and instrumentalists to help lead the 10am service. All new members welcome

St Cedma’s Church All year.
Monday 10am -12pm Little Angels toddler group The Cliff, Seacourt Term Time
Tuesday 10am Invermore Art Society St Cedma’s Church Hall, Church Road Term Time
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7pm St Cedma’s Bowling Club Inver Hall, Church Road Term Time
Tuesday 7pm Music Group Rehearsals

For anyone who can sing or play a musical instrument.  The music group takes part in the 10 am Sunday service.

St Cedma’s Church

All year



Tuesday 8pm Larne Concert Choir St Cedma’s Church Hall, Church Road Term Time
Tuesday 5.45pm 1st Larne Boy’s Brigade

Anchor Boys (P1 – P4) (5.45pm-7pm)

Junior Section (P5 – P7) (7pm-8.30pm)

First Larne Halls, Inver Road Term Time
Tuesday 1.30pm Parish Piecemakers – Quilting Group Inver Hall,

Church Road

Term Time
Wednesday 7.30pm Mothers’ Union

For women of all ages from all of our Parishes.  Meet 2nd Wednesday each month.

Inver Hall, Church Road Term Time
Friday 6pm-8.30pm St Cedma’s Brownies & Rainbows

Rainbows (Age 4-7) 6pm-7pm

Brownies (Age 7-10) 7.15pm-8.30pm

Inver Hall, Church Road Term Time
Friday 6pm-9pm Uplift (Dance, Voice and Stagecraft)

P1 – P7 (6pm-7pm)

1st Year up (7pm-8pm)

St Cedma’s Church Hall, Church Road September – June
Friday 7.30pm 1st Larne Boy’s Brigade

Company Section

(Secondary School age to 18)

First Larne Halls, Inver Road

Term Time