
Everyone is invited to join us for our worship

 St Cedma’s – Church Road, Larne, BT40 3EU

Sunday Worship

8:30am – Traditional service of Holy Communion

(2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month)
10am – Morning Service with Sunday School (followed by Tea & Coffee)

Wednesday mid-week service

11.00am – Midweek Service of Holy Communion with Prayers for Healing

 St John’s – Main Road, Glynn, BT40 3HG

Sunday Worship

11:30am – Morning Prayer with Sunday School

 St Columba’s – Gleno Village, Gleno, BT40 3LG

Sunday Worship

11:30am – Morning Prayer

(1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)

For baptisms, weddings, funerals & pastoral calls, please contact either the Revd David Lockhart or the Parish Office.  Email: stcedmas@btconnect.com

Revd David Lockhart’s contact number is 028 2827 2788